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Northern Terminus of the Bruce Trail Virtual Cache - OU0A1B
This cairn marks the "start" of the Bruce Trail.
Proprietar: Bon Echo
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Altitudine: m
 Zonă: Canada > ?
Tip geocutie: Virtuală
Mărime: Fără cutie
Stare: Ready for Search
Data ascunderii: 2016-08-03
Data creării: 2016-08-09
Data publicării: 2016-08-09
Ultima modificare: 2017-04-20
1x găsit
0x negăsită
0 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
774 vizitatori
1 x votat
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Kid Friendly  Available in Winter  Wheelchair Access  Listed on OCNA Only  Quick Cache  Historic Site  Trebuie să introduci parola pentru a scrie această însemnare! 

Citeşte articolul despre atributele Opencaching.
Descriere EN
From here, the Bruce Trail travels south for 885 kms (550 miles) along the Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. The Bruce Trail is the oldest and longest marked hiking trail in Canada.

There are so many spectacular places along this trail, far too many to list. Please consult

The Bruce Trail Northern Terminus Cairn is located on Bay Street overlooking Little Tug Harbour in the Village of Tobermory. This small town is a major tourist destination in the summer, so arrive early to beat the crowds.

There is free 2-hour parking around the cairn and all around the village. Plan your visit to coincide with the arrive of the MS Chi-Cheemaun, a passenger and car ferry which traverses Lake Huron between Tobermory and South Baymouth on Manitoulin Island. Chi-Cheemaun makes the 40 km (25 mi) trip in about one hour and 45 minutes, four times each day during peak season and twice a day during May and October. Or, take the glass-bottomed boat tour to Flowerpot Island with sight-seeing stops at a number of shipwrecks along the way.

This cairn was once a virtual cache, listed on as “The End of the Trail’ (GC7AFA). It was published in 2002 and archived in 2008 due to the inactivity of the cache owner. The southern terminus, located in Queenston Heights near Niagara Falls, is also a GC virtual cache (“The Other End of the Trail” GC9639). It was published in 2002 and is still active. Visiting either end of the trail is pretty simple – these are drive-by virtual caches. Kudo’s to those who have actually hiked the entire trail end-to-end. That’s something I hope to accomplish someday.

Logging Requirements

To log this cache, you need to visit the memorial and complete the following tasks:
1)    Take and upload a photo of you or your GPS at the cairn. You can upload a photo up to 500KB in size. You must include a photo of your visit with your log.
2)    There is a logging password which will use information from the cairn and from another nearby plaque:

a.    From the back side of the cairn, what is the name of the third-last country listed on the right hand side of the plaque (there is a column of country names)
Bonus (optional) – take a look at those country names. Can you see what ties them all together?
b.    While facing the back of the cairn, turn to your left. There is a large green plaque (it’s not the Ontario Historic plaque, that’s on the other side of the cairn). There is a bolt just below the plaque, where it is attached to the post. There are letters and/or numbers on that bolt. What are they?
c.    Now put the two together. Enter all letters as capitals, and do not add any spaces. You will have a single code word with 10 alphanumeric characters something like CYPRUSG8T1 (this is just a general example, the country name and bolt characters may be shorter or longer but the total characters will be 10)




Enjoy your visit to Tobermory. And if nothing else be sure to visit Indian Head Cove and the Grotto near the Cyrus Lake section of the Bruce Peninsula National Park. I promise you that you will not be disappointed.

While in the area, be sure to visit my other listing here on OpenCaching North America and on
Big Tub Harbour Lighthouse - Tobermory (virtual, will be listed on
Little Eagle Harbour Opencache – boat launch to Lake Huron off Robert Allen Drive (traditional, will be listed on OpenCaching North America)
Devil’s Monument (virtual cache, will be listed on
St Margaret’s Historic Chapel, Cape Chin (Guestbook Cache, will be listed on OpenCaching North America)
(I will update this listing with full links once the additional caches have been created and published)