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No Eating in Church -- Sandwich, MA - OU0989
Historic Church Now Popular Local Bakery and Cafe
Propriétaire: Sandwich-MA-History
Veuillez vous connecter pour afficher les coordonnées.
Altitude: sous le niveau de la mer
 Région: États-Unis > Massachusetts
Type de boite: Autre type
Taille: Petite
État: Ready for Search
Cachée le: 2016-03-12
Date de création: 2016-04-05
Date de publication: 2016-04-05
Dernière mise à jour: 2016-04-12
0x Trouvé
0x Non Trouvée
0 notes
watchers 0 observateurs
363 visiteurs
0 x notation
Évalué comme: n/a
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Attributs de cache

Kid Friendly  Available in Winter  Listed on OCNA Only  Quick Cache  Historic Site  Contains Advertising  Vous devez entrer le mot de passe pour enregistrer votre visite ! 

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Description EN

This cache is part of my Sandwich, MA series of caches that make up my Girl Scout Gold Award project. It is one of many caches I have planted around historic downtown Sandwich, MA and they are all accessible by walking around town. Free parking is available on the street throughout town.

Easy to find in front of this cafe and former historic 1800s church and accessible when the cafe is not open, this cache is labeled unknown because it is a plant stake with a QR code. Download the i-inigma QR code reading app to your smartphone (free for both Android and iPhone) to scan the QR code for information on the cache location.

To log this cache, you must use a password.  The password can be found by scanning the QR code on the plant stake.

If you decide to wander inside the cafe, hours are Monday through Thursday, 8am to 3pm, Friday and Saturday, 8am to 4pm, and Sunday, 9am to 3pm.
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