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 Logeinträge Open Target    {{found}} 14x {{not_found}} 2x {{log_note}} 3x   Gelöschte anzeigen Gelöschte anzeigen

7588 2016-08-16 10:17 TermiteHunter (user activity242) - Archiviert

Cache was archived.

7589 2016-08-16 09:21 TermiteHunter (user activity242) - Bemerkung

The clearing is no longer clear leaving it less attractive, oh and the cache is missing

6257 2015-08-03 23:18 GoinPostNet (user activity208) - Gefunden

This was a fun one! During my search I had a muggle on their lunch break come over and see what I was doing. He didn't know about geocaching, but didn't want to help in the search...guess he was more interested in eating.

Anyway, this one took a few minutes, but I ended up finding it. I even spotted the cache early on but didn't investigate further until I was almost ready to give up! The log was dry but it has sen better days.

Thanks for the cache!

6163 2015-08-03 06:50 QueensGrantMusic (user activity104) - Nicht gefunden

This is my first search for the August contest of OCUS.  And it's officially my first DNF.  I found a forgotten sign which was really cool so I left a Munzee, but I did not find this cache.  I am not even sure what I am looking for.

I'll be back.

5274 2014-08-31 09:40 Empfehlung sfcchaz (user activity404) - Gefunden

DudleyGrunt and I came down to North Carolina to seek some OCNA caches. They are many, many OCNA caches in the Charlotte area and we wanted to seek them during the current contest going on the OCNA site.

Today I found 45 OCNA cahes, 5 Groundspeak caches, 1 cache , 1 cache and several possible locationless caches.

Very nicely done. The area was quite grown over, but fortunately not too bad. I found the cache pretty quickly, but I dropped the top and had to search for it for about 5 minutes in the tall grass. I'm giving this one a recommendation for the nice hide. TFTC

2945 2012-07-22 03:49 DudleyGrunt (user activity633) - Bemerkung

Unfortunately, you can't rate thru the OC for Android app, I'm posting a note, in order to rate it.

2932 2012-07-21 14:57 DudleyGrunt (user activity633) - Gefunden

3466. Took a couple minutes. Hey, this WOULD make a good cache container. ;-)<br /> <br /> Thanks and Happy Trails!

2502 2012-05-13 12:27 stargatekrewe (user activity132) - Gefunden

OK, this was a funny one.

The better half drives us as far as she can take us (which is a parking spot), and we see a little spot between the bushes that will take us further back.

Geohound searches one side of the object and I search the other, then we switch sides, to recheck everything. We spent a good 10 minutes going over it to the point I'm looking at objects 10-20feet away, but that just wouldn't make sense for the name.

Finally, when we are both on the same side together, I notice the hound is carrying something in his hand. I say "what are you going to do with that?", he says "Take it home and make a cache out of it." I say, "Have you checked to make sure it isn't the cache?", He says "No", then checks it. Sure enough it's the cache that's he's been carrying around for the last 10 minutes!! DOH!

Good one TermiteHunter. You stumped one of us pretty good! lol


2418 2012-04-29 17:00 hamfolk (user activity10) - Gefunden

The hamfolk found this while out on their usual Sunday morning geocaching run. What a nice peacefull area. The snow storm series had us a little spoiled as far as the container went. All is well with the cache. Thanks.<br />

1796 2011-11-06 19:44 rvstauff (user activity83) - Gefunden

Wow!  An opencaching streak for me.  Two Termitehunter opencaches in two days.  These are really good caches, as you have been preaching, TH!  

This worked out great for me as the fam was shopping in Target and I had a little time to kill.  Also, i did not want to run up my count, as I have a date set for my 1000th find (only 10 caches away) next month.  I need to pace myself to 11 finds this month, and I already have TWO (of yours)!

I made my way to GZ and admired the graffiti for a moment then went to work.  I first checked out a flourescent lamp that was laying nearby.  No cache there.  I work my way around the structure and spot something a little out of place.  I pick it up - yep - this has telltale Termitehunter craftsmanship all over it... as well as rust.  I struggled to open the container.  A little banging and it gave just enough for me to loosen up.

I signed the nice, dry log and replaced as found.



1064 2011-05-03 15:53 foxult (user activity11) - Gefunden

Found with the Geocaching Club from school.  I don't know if the container was originally stuck to something, but it was just lying on the ground when we got there.  We replaced it more vertically than we found it.

Afterwards, they took the time to pose for a photo with the graffiti.

For most of the students, this was their 1st Opencaching find.  TFTC!

1077 2011-05-03 00:46 Gardner37 (user activity2) - Gefunden

First Open cache Find!! fun find with foxult and other students in foxult's geocaching club TFTC!!

659 2011-01-01 22:44 david2400nc (user activity7) - Gefunden

Another fun hide by termitehunter! joe perry freak and I went looking for this one this afternoon and found it quickly. Of course I wasn't sure it was the container until a little investigation proved it was. Thanks for a great cache.


485 2010-12-08 07:15 NASCAR3nut (user activity25) - Gefunden

It is still there and not in that, but it is in that and on that. I searched for about 10 minutes and was getting cold again. I almost gave up but decided to give it one more look and had the cache in hand.

479 2010-12-07 17:55 TermiteHunter (user activity242) - Bemerkung

Still there but not in that.

475 2010-12-07 07:10 NASCAR3nut (user activity25) - Nicht gefunden

I made my approach on this one and at first I thought I found it. When I tried to open what I thought was the cache, I found that it either wasn't the cache or I couldn't figure out how to open it. I continued my search even returning to the car for a flashlight and laying on the ground to get a good view under the sign. I finally gave in to the cold and decided to leave.

260 2010-10-17 20:35 gbmcache (user activity39) - Gefunden

This is the second TH Open Cache I found today. What a nice little out-of-the-way clearing. Someone could set up a tent here and live quite an annomous life. That is he could have until TH chose the spot for a hiding place. I found the container fairly easily given that I always approach a TH cache with an expetation of making more than one trip.

177 2010-10-01 23:41 Vertigo (user activity9) - Gefunden

Another open cache down!! 

Spotted the container as soon as I walked up, those with kids might not appreciate the spray painted note left on the sign though.  Shame on you TH!

Anyhow, this sign is  certainly not much use anymore, except for a cache location of course.



170 2010-10-01 01:57 therapaint (user activity42) - Gefunden

I found this cool cache on the heels of apoolman - glad to see some more players out there! Thanks TH.

168 2010-09-30 14:38 apoolman (user activity2) - Gefunden

I am a real newbie to Opencaching. In fact this is my first find and it is a first to find. What a start. Another great hide by Termitehunter. Thanks for introducing me to Opencaching. Log was damp and cache needs to be reset.