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Willamette Stone - OU0BAC
Owner: sfcchaz
Please log in to see the coordinates.
Altitude: m. ASL.
 Region: United States > Oregon
Cache type: Virtual
Size: No container
Status: Ready for Search
Date hidden: 2020-05-31
Date created: 2020-05-31
Date published: 2020-06-01
Last modification: 2020-06-01
0x Found
0x Not found
0 notes
watchers 2 watchers
423 visitors
0 x rated
Rated as: n/a
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Cache attributes

Kid Friendly  Snakes  Listed on OCNA Only  In the Woods  Historic Site  Limited Hours  Password needed to post log entry! 

Please read the Opencaching attributes article.
Description EN

I have lived in and visited Oregon many times. Only recently (relatively) have I done GPSr base games there. I visited this location because of a Terracache listed here and I like to find geocaches in all of the games I can. Although the location is listed on the Terracaching site, the logging requirement is different, thus this is an OCNA Only cache.

The location is at the Willamette State Stone Heritage Site off of NW Skyline Blvd.

The above website has more information about the marker if you would like to learn more.

The original marker was an obelisk, but is now a stainless steel disk.

There is a maintained trail leading to the marker. It has an incline and may be slippery when wet, thus the 2.5 terrain rating. Dress accordingly. 

You are required to visit this site in person and post a picture with you and/or your GPS with the Survey Marker in the background. There is a confirmation code required to log this cache. The confirmation code is the first name of Mr. Ives. His name is in concrete in the immediate area of the marker.

My picture of the disk.
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