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The Dark Side of Cheyenne Mountain - OU0BDB
Its a night cache
Eigenaar: gocolavs
Log in om de coördinaten te kunnen zien.
Hoogte: meter NAP
 Provincie: Verenigde Staten > Colorado
Cache soort: Multi Cache
Grootte: Normaal
Status: Kan gezocht worden
Tijd: 1:45 h    Lengte: 3.00 km
Geplaatst op: 2019-08-11
Gemaakt op: 2020-11-03
Gepubliceerd op: 2020-11-05
Laatste verandering: 2020-11-05
0x Gevonden
0x Niet gevonden
0 Opmerkingen
watchers 1 Volgers
159 x Bekeken
0 x Gewaardeerd
Beoordeeld als: n/b
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Cache attributen

Flashlight Required  Night Cache 

Lees ook het Opencaching attributen beschrijving artikel.
Beschrijving EN

Hello fellow cachers!

In my experience caching, I have found that the most enjoyable caches are ones that send you on an adventure! What better way to go on an adventure than to hike through the woods at night? This cache should take about 1 hour 30 minutes from start to finish, depending on how fast you hike and how many breaks you take.

I have to give props to the first night cache I did. It was 7 Realms of Darkness out in Westerville, Ohio. It was extremely well put together, and got many of my friends going on night cache "adventures." It was just shut down this year due to vandalism, which is unfortunate. It takes a lot of work to set one of these up. I hope this helps to fill a gap in the geocaching network, even if it isn't in Ohio. Please enjoy this cache, and if you see something that needs to be fixed, let me know. If you see a tack on the ground, pop it back in the tree.

At one location you will come to a point where you have to take a leap of faith. (Don't literally jump off a rock or climb any trees.) It should be pretty obvious once you get there.

As always hiking in the woods carries inherent risk. Be aware that cachers do this at your own risk. Not all rocks are sturdy, the slopes can be slippery out there, you are out in an ecosystem where there are wild animals, so beware. The terrain is difficult in regular conditions. It is accessible in the snow, but much more difficult.

Once you get to the end of the cache find the road, then head left. It's a short jaunt back to the car.

FTF goes to all my friends who came out and celebrated the grand opening with me. Thanks guys!



PS this is also listed on, but it's meant for everyone!

Extra waypoints
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Parkeerplaats --- Park by the signs and start from there.
Extra hints
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