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 Logeinträge Holy Cow!    {{found}} 3x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 0x  

5060 2014-08-09 18:51 DudleyGrunt (user activity633) - Gefunden

Found with sfcchaz on our alt run to NJ. <br /> <br /> Thanks &amp;#38; Happy Trails! <br /> <br /> OCNA find #245 @<br /> 2:51PM.

5075 2014-08-09 14:53 sfcchaz (user activity404) - Gefunden

I went on an all day alternate site caching trip with DudleyGrunt today. I found 10 caches on the Opencaching.US site, 6 on the Groundspeak site, 3 on the site, 2 on the Terracaching site and one on the Navicaching site. I even dropped off a geokret. DG and I have done several of these kinds of trips and have another planned later in the month. Most of the alternate site caches will be used for the contest currently being held on the Opencaching.US site.

This was another one on our trip through this area. Very impressive park. Thanks for placing this cache. TNLN TFTC

740 2011-01-16 10:28 SparrowsGold (user activity11) - Gefunden

FTF!<br /> Wow - got the FTF and the cache has been <br /> here for over a month!<br /> This is the way it should be!<br /> <br /> Great work on this Virtual. <br /> Enjoyed the information provided. <br /> <br /> Thanks for setting this up!