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 Log entries No Trespassing...    {{found}} 4x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 0x Photo 1x Gallery  

305 2010-11-07 18:05 networkcacher (user activity33) - Found it

Wonderful autumn walk to a quick find.  TFTC

70 2010-09-06 14:34 DudleyGrunt (user activity633) - Found it

2319. Found after some searching for a decent way to a trail and a bit of help from scfchaz via a PAF. I'd already made it most of the way through the tall grass. Enjoyed the walk to the cache. BTW, who complained that you provide too much information? Thanks!

Logging the find here and a note on

27 2010-08-28 10:18 sfcchaz (user activity404) - Found it

Smile FTF Smile 10:18 AM. This was my very first OpenCaching find and it was a FTF! Logged FTF-OpenCaching in the logbook in hope to get people to check out the site. TNLN TFTC
Pictures for this log entry:
sfcchaz at No Trespassing...
sfcchaz at No Trespassing...

3671 2010-08-22 14:00 Searcher28 (user activity7) - Found it

Found it this afternoon. Actually, my wife found it. Took shark tooth and silly band, left shark tooth and silly band. SL. TFTC!