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10252 2023-06-10 22:39 GoinPostNet (user activity208) - Moved

Moved to a location closer to the beach! The cache is now in the woods not too far from the current Tesla Superchargers. It's close to a big magnolia tree. On the North side of the base of a tree. Shouldn't be too hard of a find....maybe a 2/2 D/T.

10163 2023-01-24 19:39 GoinPostNet (user activity208) - Found it

Made the quick trip down to the SC rest stop to see if this moving cache was still there. I’m sure the truckers were wondering what I was doing parking in the truck section, heading off into the woods, and then returning with a small Tupperware container. Oh well, let them wonder! The cache and contents are in great shape. I’ll scout out a new location, hopefully closer to a beach, and drop it off, hopefully faster than previous movers. LOL

9106 2019-12-18 12:58 Bon Echo (user activity216) - Note

Man I'm so bad with moving caches. This ones been with me to British Columbia and back and now to Florida and almost back again - except I finally found a place for it where I felt it would be safe and have a good chance of being picked up within a year. New location is in the forest behind a rest area on I77 northbound in SC, just a bit south of the SC / NC border. I will update the coordinates, since I can;)N 34 45.769 W 081 02.069. In a dead tree stump, should be easy to find.

Pictures for this log entry:
Hiding in SC
Hiding in SC

7652 2016-10-05 19:46 Bon Echo (user activity216) - Note

There was a lot of destruction along the lake in the last year. The provinical power distribution company (Hydro One) razed the land by cutting nearly every tree around under the power line. And the lack of ice and heavy waves over the winter lead to serious erosion along the beach. I lost my nearby "Hamilton Beach Geohotel" opencache and was worried this one would be gone too. Checked it tonight and found it just as I had left it 13 months ago. Decided I better find a more secure hiding place so I took it with me and will move it somewhere else when time permits.

6318 2015-08-18 08:30 Bon Echo (user activity216) - Moved

As the cache was caked in foreign forest soil, I decided to give it a good bath before releasing it into this country. Wow, did the cache ever clean up nicely – it looks like new!

All clean and ready to roll, I dropped in a GeoKret that I created and did what was requested – I took the cache to the beach…and left it there.

The cache is now hidden along the Lake Ontario trail, in the Hamilton Beach area. It is hidden under a short section of boardwalk and I’m very confident that the cache will be safe here until the next finder comes along …even if it does take 3 years. However, I pass by this spot on my ride to work and can check the cache anytime and, if requested, I will be happy to grab the cache and relocate it.

The cache is now hidden at:

N 43 16.140 W 79 46.460

D and T ratings will be 1.5 for each

Hint: when looking towards the lake, the cache is under the boardwalk on the left

I will post photos later this evening


IMG_0418 IMG_0422

6292 2015-08-15 21:30 nighthawk700 (user activity14) - Note

Whew!  I'm so glad to hear someone found this cache, I was afraid maybe I placed it in a bad location and it was muggled!  Was considering going to get it my next time up to Rochester. 

6302 2015-08-15 15:30 Bon Echo (user activity216) - Found it

Headed south of the border again this weekend (well, actually a lot more east and just a bit south) but this time it was adults only, no kids (first time in 8 years that we've been able to say that). We traveled to the Finger Lakes area to enjoy a romantic anniversary weekend - by romantic, I mean stopping to find caches, garage sales, thrift shops, driving secondary highways, stuff like that.

This was our third cache stop on the trip, at a spot that I have wanted to visit now for some time, Yes, to visit the oldest cache in New York State, but man was the pot ever sweetened when I realized there was a traveling cache along the way. What's amazing is that this cache has been sitting dormant since 2012, and nearly as long as I've been caching!
So teh adventure into the High Tor preserve was, well, quite the  adventure, at least to me it was. The wife decided to stay back at the van and read a book - she took one look at the field of wildflowers and all she saw in her mind was ticks and there was no way she was going in there. I had loaded the cache into my Garmin with a GPX file which apparently didn't quite work, so thankfully I had written down the coordinates and could enter them manually. After heading down the trail (and I stress DOWN) and signing in at The Spot, I made my way back up until towards the coordinates that I had entered for this cache. Left teh trail when the Garmin point 90 degrees and read something like 50 meters to the cache (yes, my GPS speaks Canadian eh!). I couldn't get the GPSr to settle down at "gz" and found myself searching up and down a small hill looking and not finding. Time to check the coords I entered - and then there was that DOH! moment. I entered everything correctly except mixing in some of the parking coordinates! Well, i was pretty relieved o find that mistake b.c it wasn't looking good fir finding this 3-year-MIA traveler. , Oh did I mention the light rain and the humidity?! Once the coords were corrected, I found myself standing beside a large fallen tree right off the trail - way more promising. Except that 3 years of tree decomposition goes a long way towards burying a cache. Fortunately, with the help of a sturdy stick and after 15 minutes of digging, I unearthed the cache and did a little happy dance (okay, no dance but I would have high-fived someone if I wasn't alone)

In the end, we found 6 OCNA caches (and dnf'd two), also visited the oldest geocache in the state and picked up two other caches plus a few qualifiers for some TerraCaching locationless caches. A good weekend all around. Thanks Sabrefan7 for supplying 5 of the 6 OCNA caches that we found this weekend.

The traveler is now with my in one of the other OCNA countries, and will find a new place to hide here in Ontario. Sadly DudlyGrunt's GeoKret is not in the cache, so i guess they're not all that different from gc trackables in that sense.

Thanks OBXgeek for the traveling cache. yes, we will bring it to the beach!

Bon Echo found OU0376

2577 2012-06-04 00:36 nighthawk700 (user activity14) - Moved

This cache can now be found at:  N 42 40.283 W 077 20.137.  This is right along the way if you are hunting one of the oldest existing geocaches, GC39. 

I actually dropped it off last week, but am still getting caught up with everything.  Sorry for the delay!!


2065 2012-02-13 00:00 nighthawk700 (user activity14) - Found it

Wow, I thought I updated this a while ago. I needed to find a geokret for a challenge I was doing. This cache had one in it, so it became on my target list. I got it and moved the geokret.<br /> <br /> Unfortunately I became distracted and forgot about moving the cache itself. After seeing the CO at an event, I became motivated to move it. But I'm going up to a few of the "oldie" geocaches, so I'm holding this a little bit longer, and plan to drop the cache off near one of those.<br /> <br /> <br /> Will give more detail later, but I got it.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ----------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Logged from my android phone using columbus

1932 2011-12-27 10:45 sfcchaz (user activity404) - Moved

I wanted to keep this one in the area for a little longer, so I made a quick easy hide. I've found many caches in this park over the years.

If you continue just a little further west (from the cache) on the trail, you should notice something quite interesting. I'm not sure why it's there unless it has something to do with its companion.

New coords:  N 39° 14.878 / W 076° 49.486

D/T: 1.5 / 1.5

Hint: Va obggbz bs fghzc bs bar bs gur ynetr oebxra gerrf.

Available DAWN to DUSK.

1928 2011-12-25 12:30 sfcchaz (user activity404) - Found it

I was in the area today and wanted to seek this one before it got moved farther away. Found it quickly at 12:30 PM.
I'll be hiding this one again in a couple of days. TFTC

TN   L: my personal pathtag and the Geokret: My Ding-A-Ling.

1917 2011-12-18 17:00 DudleyGrunt (user activity633) - Moved

Stopped off in this little park on the way to dinner with my wife.  Should be a quick find.

New coords:  N 39 06.175 / W 76 56.596

D/T: 1.5 / 1.5

Hint: Purpx gur byq ybtf.

This seems to be the best way to log a Moving Cache.  "Found" when you actually find it and a "Moved", after re-hiding it.

Available DAWN to DUSK.

1899 2011-12-17 11:00 DudleyGrunt (user activity633) - Found it

3060 / 63. Decided to run out to (western) NoVA to grab both of obxgeek's new moving caches - and get them moving. Stopped here first and searched around for about 15-20 minutes making the find. I'd reread the cache page and then spotted the Munzee. I logged it (my first) and then thoroughly rechecked the area immediately beneath and finally found the cache. I'll find a new spot for it, tomorrow. Thanks and Happy Trails!

1864 2011-12-02 20:55 obxgeek (user activity29) - Note

The cache is out and in the field.  You will see a cool water feature in the distance.  Near the hide you will be able to find a Munzee.  It isn't tied to the cache because the cache will not be here.

10253 2011-12-02 00:00 obxgeek (user activity29) - Moved

Starting coordinates