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Pohick Loop Trail - OU0484
...At Fort Belvoir
Proprietar: DudleyGrunt
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Altitudine: m
 Zonă: Statele Unite ale Americii > Virginia
Tip geocutie: Virtuală
Mărime: Fără cutie
Stare: Ready for Search
Data ascunderii: 2012-05-03
Data creării: 2012-05-03
Data publicării: 2012-05-03
Ultima modificare: 2020-06-07
3x găsit
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Kid Friendly  Available in Winter  Dangerous  Wheelchair Access  Listed on OCNA Only  In the Woods  Historic Site  Limited Hours  Trebuie să introduci parola pentru a scrie această însemnare! 

Citeşte articolul despre atributele Opencaching.
Descriere EN

You will use Fort Belvoir's TULLEY GATE entrance off of Route One (US 1, Richmond Hwy) and the parking will be on your right and you'll be able to leave by the same route.  You WILL NOT need to pass through the security checkpoint.  If you get that far, you'll still be able to pull into the large parking lot just prior and turn around.

The posted coords will take you to the start trail head for the Pohick Loop Trail.  There is a small parking area immediately adjacent to the trail head.

You might think the "Kid Friendly" and "Dangerous Area" attributes are mutually exclusive.  However, if you stay on the marked trails and supervise any children, you'll be fine.

At the trail head, the following WARNING is posted...

"DANGER.  Possible Unexploded Ordnance!  Stay on Marked Trail. 

Do Not Touch Suspect Items.  Report any Supect Item to (703) 806-3104.


LOGGING REQUIREMENTS: This is a "virtual cache".  There is no container to find.  Use the information below to determine the Log Password (PQRSTUVX).  

P = A-B

QRS = D ÷ C

TU = E x F x G

VX = J + K + L + M

Also, post a picture of your visit, that does not include any of the required information.  While I'd love to have you in the picture, it is not required, since the log password should serve as sufficient confirmation of your visit.



Welcome to Fort Belvoir's Pohick Loop Interpretive Trail.  The woodland trail loops for one-half mile around a narrow finger of highland between two drainage areas and is fully accessible to visitors.

As a home for wildlife, the woodland has been improved by adding brush piles and nesting boxes.  Look for these improvements as you travel along the trail.

Soil, sunlight and water are the main requirements for plants.  Animals are dependent on plants for food and shelter.  As the soils, sunlight and moisture change, so do the kinds of plants and animals.  Squirrels abound on the dry oak and hickory uplands.  Open marshes harbor wading birds, ducks, woodpeckers, hawks and owls.  The stream banks are homes for muskrats, turtles, beavers, raccoons and small rodents.  Frogs, fish and salamanders live in the streams.  Whitetail deer and predators, such as the fox, roam throughout the area in search of food.

There are fourteen stations which describe natural features.  As you pause at the stops along the trail to read about plants and animals, try to see, hear, smell, and "feel" the woodland.  Attempt to identify where the soil is wetter or dryer and how it supports different kinds of plants and animals.

Notice the small signs which identify individual trees, shrubs, and smaller plants.

The rest of the stations are not numbered, but if you start off past the large sign for Station 1 (to the right), you should come across them in this order.  Keep track of the noted information at each station to determine the LOG PASSWORD you will need to log your find.  I highly recommend you bring a camera and take a picture of each sign for you reference, after leaving the trail. 

If you follow the trail, you shouldn't need to use the supplemental waypoints, but I've listed them for your reference, if needed.  You should come to each sign, in order if following the trail in a clockwise fashion.  If you go in the "wrong" direction, they'll simply be in the reverse order.

2. Woodpecker Home - Count the number of times the word "woodpecker(s)" appear.  This number = A.

3. Upland Forest - "Typical animals found here are _____."  How many are listed?  This number = B.

4. Open Marsh - How many types (species) of tree are mentioned?  This number = C.

5. Stream Channel - What is the only number mentioned?  This number = D.

6. Upland Forest And Wetland - How many times does "paw" appear (written)?  This number = E.

7. Emergent Wetland - How many types of fish are mentioned?  This number = F.

8. Dabbling Ducks - How many ducks (or partial ducks) are pictured? This number = G.

9. Adapted Trees (fallen) - How many types (species) of adapted tree are mentinoed?  This number = H.

10. Deformed Tree - "The sweetgum's prickly seeds are eaten by ___".  How many types of animals are listed?  This number = J.

11. Climax Forest - How many acorns are shown?  This number = K.  (I like this sign because the last sentence is something most geocachers have learned through experience.)

12. Adapted Plants -  The pictured plant has ___ segmented leaves.  (Read the description.)  This number = L.

13. Stream Bank - How many culverts are mentioned?  This number = M.

14. HELP FORT BELVOIR - We hope you have enjoyed Pohick Loop Trail.  This trail is part of the Accotink Bay Wildlife Refuge.  This refuge adds to the quality of life and health of our community.  Please make a personal effort to keep our refuge clean and protect our valuable natural resources.



This natural area is open the public all year.  However, is CLOSED DURING HOURS OF DARKNESS.


Each of us must follow in another hiker's footsteps.  Only you can help preserve this historical and natural area for future enjoyment by adhering to the following:

No hunting or fishing except by permit / license | No firearms | No camping | No fires | No alcoholic beverages | No motor vehicles | No horseback riding | No biking, skateboarding, rollerblading, or skiing | No boat launching / landing | No paintball

There are no trash receptacles available along the trails.  Please help to preserve the natural beauty by carrying out all your trash [and practice CITO].  This walk provides many interesting and memorable sights.  To allow for continuted enjoyment by all visitors, please do not remove any natural or historic objects from the area.  Pets enjoy a walk through the woods.  Unfortunately, they can get over excited if not controlled, subsequently scaring wildlife, trampling vegetation or, perhaps, getting lost or injured.  Please keep all pets on a leash to prevent harm to them or the area and please clean up after you pet.  Violators subject to prosecution.

US Army Garrison, Fort Belvoir
Environmental and Natural Resources Division

While you are here, in invite you to explore the extensive trail system of Fort Belvoir's Accotinck Wildlife Refuge area.  While you shouldn't need it if you are sticking to to this loop trail, be sure to take a copy of the trail map with you, if you will be exploring.  Also, be sure to check out my two OCNA virtuals on post (through the gate).  

Thermo-Con House - OU007E  &  Belvoir Plantation - OU0087

Visitors who wish to enter Fort Belvoir and do not have a Department of Defense ID  must use Tulley Gate. Simply drive to the checkpoint, as directed, and show a valid state driver's license. The Visitor Processing Operations Center (VPOC) is located at Tulley Gate (just north of Route One and VA 7100).  For current information, call the VPOC at (703) 806-4892 or visit their web page.

CAUTION: While on post, be sure to strictly abide by the speed limits.  You can not rely on the same sort of buffer you might otherwise enjoy. Also note that you must use a hands free device for your cell phone while driving on post.

Maryland Geocaching Society

Join Geocachers Unlimited on Facebook.

Puncte suplimentare
Simbol Tip Coordonate Descriere
Loc interesant --- 2. Woodpecker Home
Loc interesant --- 3. Upland Forest
Loc interesant --- 4. Open Marsh
Loc interesant --- 5. Stream Channel
Loc interesant --- 6. Upland Forest And Wetland
Loc interesant --- 7. Emergent Wetland
Loc interesant --- 8. Dabbling Ducks
Loc interesant --- 9. Adapted Trees - sign was fallen, when I visited.
Loc interesant --- 10. Deformed Tree
Loc interesant --- 11. Climax Forest
Loc interesant --- 12. Adapted Plants
Loc interesant --- 13. Stream Bank
Loc interesant --- 14. HELP FORT BELVOIR - You should see your car, now.
Open Marsh
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