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Heritage Hotel - OU01F7
Heritage Hotel in Heritage Park in Farmington Hills, Michigan
Proprietar: DougPeterson
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Altitudine: m
 Zonă: Statele Unite ale Americii > Michigan
Tip geocutie: Tradiţională
Mărime: Mare
Stare: Arhivată
Data ascunderii: 2010-12-20
Data creării: 2010-12-20
Data publicării: 2010-12-20
Ultima modificare: 2013-05-12
2x găsit
0x negăsită
1 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
362 vizitatori
2 x votat
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Kid Friendly  Available in Winter  Listed on OCNA Only  In the Woods  Limited Hours 

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Descriere EN

This is a travelers cache, the Heritage Hotel.  It is a cozy but elegant cache.  It is a little small compared to full size ammo containers but it should be spacious enough for any travelers.  Consider it a small large container.  It has been made from a 2.4 liter HPL323 Lock & Lock container that has been camo painted. 

It is located in the 169 acre Heritage Park in Farmington Hills, one of my local favorite parks.  There are plenty of trails to explore that will take you away from the main and occupied parts of the park.  The part of the park where this cache is located also has the play area, sprayscape and hockey rink (roller in summer, ice in winter.) The hours are dawn to dusk with the one park gate which is locked when the park is closed.  The park is accessed from Farmington Road.

The cache is located off of a side trail off the main trail around a bend, past or south of the cache coordinates.  The side trail is discernible in winter.  In the winter it will be a little more exposed but if you freeze like a deer or crouch like a rabbit there shouldn't be any problems.  The cache should be accessible with some snow on the ground.  If there is heavy snow, it may not be.  Please restore the cache hiding place after you are done visiting.

We have started the hotel in business by including two GeoKrety travelers my ten year-old daughter put together:

Little Angel:

Head to the Beach:


First To Find: Cyclops


Puncte suplimentare
Simbol Tip Coordonate Descriere
Parcare --- Nearest parking area to the trailhead
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Heritage Hotel Original Cache Contents
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