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History of Ring Around a Rosie - OU08B6
This is a music quiz. Good luck
Proprietar: QueensGrantMusic
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Altitudine: m
 Zonă: Statele Unite ale Americii > North Carolina
Tip geocutie: Puzzle
Mărime: Micro
Stare: Ready for Search
Data ascunderii: 2015-08-08
Data creării: 2015-08-08
Data publicării: 2015-08-08
Ultima modificare: 2015-08-09
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If you do not want your childhood spoiled, please stop reading, close your browser and never attempt to search for this cache.

Remember, I warned you.

Do not blame me if you read past this sentence.  I am giving you your final warning.

In 2014, my school bookfair theme was the Renaissance.  So I started doing some research (something I did not enjoy when I was in school, but really enjoy now) on songs from the Renaissance.

I was suprised by the number of nursery rhythms that were not about happy times in the world.

For example, Ring A Round the Rosie also called Ring a Ring o' Roses.

There were a few different explainations of this song but I liked this one the best:

Let us go back to London when people did not bath and there was a lot of garbage in the streets.  This was probably the time of the Great Plague of 1665.

"Ring around the rosie" refers to a ring around a sore, probably red near the neck.

"A pocket full of posies" refers to flowers or herbs people put in the pockets of the sick person to make them smell better.

"Ashes, Ashes" was probably achoe, achoe, referring to a coughing fit a person had just before "We all Fall Down" died.

This is an easy quiz, what is the last number of the year from the Great Plague.

What do you think that number is referring to in this area?

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