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Fernie Museum Guest Book Cache - OU08BD
Guest Book Cache located inside the Fernie Museum in Fernie, British Columbia
Proprietar: Bon Echo
Autentifică-te pentru a putea vedea coordonatele.
Altitudine: m
 Zonă: Canada > British Columbia
Tip geocutie: Necunoscută
Mărime: Foarte mare
Stare: Ready for Search
Data ascunderii: 2015-08-09
Data creării: 2015-08-09
Data publicării: 2015-08-09
Ultima modificare: 2021-04-26
0x găsit
0x negăsită
0 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
472 vizitatori
0 x votat
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Kid Friendly  Available in Winter  Listed on OCNA Only  Quick Cache  Contains Advertising  Guestbook  Limited Hours 

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Fernie Museum Guest Book Cache

This OpenCaching North America Guest Book Cache is located inside the Fernie Museum in Fernie, British Columbia

The posted coordinates will bring you to the entrance to the Fernie Museum. The guest book is located at the service desk. The Fernie Museum is open 10:00 am to 5:30 pm daily. The Museum is closed on the Easter Sunday, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Years Day holidays. Admission to the Fernie Museum is by donation. For more information, visit

Logging Requirements

To log this cache, you must sign the Guest Book. A photo of you at the guest book, or inside the Fernie Museum, is appreciated but not required.

If you arrive and find the Fernie Museum to be closed, you may log a find if you post two photos in your “Found It” log:

1) A photo which shows you or your GPSr in front of the Fernie Museum. 2) A photo which clearly shows the building to be closed (i.e. a view through a window showing the inside of the building is closed).

Fernie Museum Guest Book Fernie Museum
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