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Je moet ingelogd zijn om deze cache te loggen of te bewerken.
Toon cache statistieken
Three's Company - OU097F
Cache is not at posted cords, but you will need to visit with a smart phone to find the final
Eigenaar: simrebel
Log in om de coördinaten te kunnen zien.
Hoogte: meter NAP
 Provincie: Canada > Ontario
Cache soort: Onbekende Cache
Grootte: Micro
Status: Kan gezocht worden
Geplaatst op: 2016-03-14
Gemaakt op: 2016-03-14
Gepubliceerd op: 2016-03-14
Laatste verandering: 2018-05-08
1x Gevonden
0x Niet gevonden
1 Opmerkingen
watchers 2 Volgers
477 x Bekeken
1 x Gewaardeerd
Beoordeeld als: n/b
Om de coördinaten en de kaart te zien
van de caches
moet men ingelogd zijn
Cache attributen

Kid Friendly  Stealth Required  Special Equipment Required  Offset Cache 

Lees ook het Opencaching attributen beschrijving artikel.
Beschrijving EN

You have probably heard the old saying: Two is company, three is a crowd. Well, you are going to need a crowd/mob of three with smart phones to be able to get the coordinates for the cache container.

There is no cache hidden at the posted coordinates, but you will need to start there.

This is a new version of an Intercache. You will need a smart phone with the ability to access the internet using a standard browser. Oh, and at least 2 other friends (for a total of 3) with smart phones.

Many of you have been to a flash mob event. You all get there at a certain time, sign the log, and leave a few minutes later. This is the same idea - get 3 people at a specified location at the same time (all using smart phones), and then the coordinates for the cache are revealed.

  • Go to the posted coordinates
  • Open on your smart phone.
  • Verify that the accuracy displayed is reasonable (hopefully less than 40 feet or so.)
  • "Which mob are you attending?" When prompted with this question, enter the number 1888
  • This will open a screen that will navigate you to the "geo-mob" coordinates.
  • You may already be at the mob coordinates, if you're not, it's a short walk from the posted coordinates.
  • Once the website verifies you are at the location, the counter bumps up.
  • Next is to get all of your friends to do the same and meet you at this location. Everyone has to get within a 30-foot-radius sized circle. So squeeze in. You'll have to get 3 of you and your friends squeezed in there. Good luck with that.
  • When the counter reaches the required mob size of 3, the coordinates for the cache are revealed.
  • Stay in your tight group formation until the revealed information is recorded, or written down, or photographed, or memorized within your photographic memory. Record this information right away! If people leave the mob area, the page you are looking at may disappear and no longer show you the needed coordinates for the geocache. (It takes a minute.)
  • Then enter those coordinates into your GPS receiver and go get it.
  • Please preserve the spirit of this Geo-Mob by not disclosing the coordinates of the Final location to those who do not meet as a group as intended. Thanks.

You'll need your GPS to navigate to the cache, as there is no associated web app yet.



This cache placed and maintained by an Ontario Geocaching Association MemberThis cache placed and maintained by an H-NAG Member

Logs: Gevonden 1x Niet gevonden 0x Opmerking 1x Alle logs