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Blackbird singing in the dead of night - OU0C19
Blackbird aircraft on display outdoors
Właściciel: amweynud
Zaloguj się, by zobaczyć współrzędne.
Wysokość: m n.p.m.
 Województwo: USA > Alabama
Typ skrzynki: Wirtualna
Wielkość: Bez pojemnika
Status: Gotowa do szukania
Czas: 0:10 h    Długość trasy: 0.10 km
Data ukrycia: 2021-07-19
Data utworzenia: 2021-07-19
Data opublikowania: 2021-07-20
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 2021-07-20
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18 odwiedzających
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Opis EN

Take these broken wings and learn to fly.

Whatever the designation, A-12, SR-71,... or tail numbers, the "Blackbird" aircraft are amazing flying machines. According to lists on the internet, Alabama is home to 3, which is more than any other state except California. Birmingham is home to one, which can be seen for free through a fence near the posted coordinates. Several other aircraft are also on display. More information is available at the Southern Museum of Flight, which is about 2 blocks to the east.

Blackbird fly.

To claim your find, upload a photo of yourself with the Birmingham Blackbird and sign in the background.

You were only waiting for this moment to be free.

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