Oh yes as threatened, I have made the OCUS journey to find the un found. After taking a very nice and thorn ridden walk in the nature area in Lockport. I made the drive over to Two Mile Creek and parked at the proper coordinates. I walked into the brush in the wrong spot for the first leg but popped back out and soon found it right away. I entered the numbers for the final and off I went. I passed what I thought was another cacher looking at his iPhone but all he was mumbling was something about WIFI ? So after he was around the bend I popped back into the brush and once again found it in the first place I looked. 3rd to find and my 2nd OCUS geocache

The worst was waiting to come back out of the bushes as not to look like some creep leering at passing dog walkers

Thanks for the fun Mr Yuck. As you know,, you are now bound by the ancient and time honored traditions of OCUS. You MUST to trek out to Genesee County and look for mine.