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DG's Monthly M&G - Olive This Place! - OU0962
Olive on Main
Proprietar: DudleyGrunt
Lista participanţilor
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Altitudine: m
 Zonă: Statele Unite ale Americii > Maryland
Tip geocutie: Eveniment
Mărime: Fără cutie
Stare: Arhivată
Data evenimentului: 2016-02-21
Data creării: 2016-02-08
Data publicării: 2016-02-08
Ultima modificare: 2016-02-08
2 Am participat
2 Voi participa
1 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
281 vizitatori
0 x votat
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Access Fee Required  Kid Friendly  Wheelchair Access  Big Rig Friendly  Quick Cache  Contains Advertising  Limited Hours 

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Descriere EN

Sunday, 21 Feb. 2016, 6:00-8:00 PM
@ Olive on Main
504 Main Street Laurel, MD

I thought it was about time for my 2nd event here.  Of course, this time, we'll be inside and not out on the deck - unless we get  unexpectedly pleasant weather.  All are welcome.  Whether you're a new or old cacher a local or passing thru.  Even if you're not a currently a geocacher, but would just like to learn more about it, we'd love to have you join us.

Olive on Main

They don't seem to have their own website, but check out the MGS forums for more information or see their Facebook page.

Hope to see you there!


Maryland Geocaching Society 

Military Association of GeoCachers

GeoCachers 4 Christ

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Puncte suplimentare
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Parcare --- Alternate off-street parking at First United Methodist Church.
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