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 Log entries The Urban Legend of Opie    {{found}} 0x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 1x   Hide deletions Hide deletions

7836 2017-02-13 15:18 Mr.Yuck (user activity229) - Ready to be found

Cache ready to search.

7078 2016-04-06 01:09 KnowsOpie (user activity109) - Record deleted

Record of type [Archived] deleted.

6574 2015-10-10 20:13 rvstauff (user activity83) - Note

Opie has died.  (This cache is fine, I assume.)


I was amused by the true made up story about Garmin's Opie.  As you know, the imposter is no more, and the original, is all that's left!