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Wysokość: m n.p.m.
USA > ?
Typ skrzynki:
Bez pojemnika
Data ukrycia: 2018-04-19
Data utworzenia: 2018-04-19
Data opublikowania: 2018-04-19
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 2022-12-07
0x znaleziona
0x nieznaleziona
2 komentarze
0 obserwatorów
549 odwiedzających
0 x oceniona
Oceniona jako:
Musisz się zalogować,
aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
Gate Jockey
When I was leaving Charlotte I was provided with a couple caches to occupy my time while waiting for my flight. Now I find myself waiting for my return flight with no caches to find.
I thought I would add to the mission and contribute one here in Louisville KY
You have already made it passed security and still have time to spare before your flight is delayed again so take a stroll down Concourse B.
Head for B6.
You are in the home of the Kentucky Derby so when you don't see something related to Bourbon it is usually referencing Horse Racing.
You will notice that there are Jockey uniform jerseys hanging over each gate attendant' s station.
Over gate B6 is a vertical stripped uniform.
The password is the main color of the white stripped uniform followed by the number of vertical white stripes
(lower case, no spaces)